Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) is a cooperative agreement through Social Security Administration (SSA) with local agencies, like the Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida (CILNCF), to provide work incentives information and planning services for individuals:
- Between the ages of 14 through full retirement age;
- Working or interested in working; AND
- Who receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) based on a disability
The CILNCF WIPA Project serves the following counties of Northwest Florida:
Bay, Calhoun, Citrus, Dixie, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilcrest, Gulf, Hamilton, Hernando, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Okaloosa, Pasco, Santa Rosa, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor, Wakulla, Walton, Washington.
The goal of WIPA is to enable beneficiaries with disabilities to receive and use accurate work incentive information to make a successful transition to work. All WIPA services are free. Our Community Work Incentives Coordinators will:
- Help you understand how work will affect your SSDI and SSI benefits
- Help you understand the effect of work on Medicare and Medicaid
- Provide needed information about SSA work incentives
- Provide in-depth and Individualized verification & analysis of your benefits
- Help you understand how employment will impact your benefits, so you can make informed choices
- Seek to help boost your confidence in pursuing employment, through increased knowledge
- Help you prevent and/or resolve benefits issues
- Help identify needs and make referrals to local service providers
- Help you access community resources
One important aspect of the help you can receive from our CWICs is that they have the tools to assist you prevent future problems, such as overpayments, unplanned or unexpected loss of benefits, and possible financial hardships, through early intervention and education of the WIPA Program.
For More Information:

If you would like general information about how work might affect your benefits, you can call the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. If you use TTY services for people with hearing impairments, use 1-866-833-2967.
If you are working or you have a job offer, the Help Line can refer you directly for Work Incentives Planning and Assistance services.
CILNCF Contact:
Alex Cavalcante
352-378-7474 ext.: 2013
Monday- Friday 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM EST
In Partnership with the Center for Independent Living of South Florida | 4770 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 150, Miami, FL 33137 | Main (305) 751-8025