Thank you so much for helping to make Wellness Over Everything, Community Check-In & Wellness Fair, a great event! The engagement, enthusiasm, and excitementdisplayed by all our vendors, partners and attendees were wonderful. We could not have done this without you.
A special and grateful thank you goes out to our donors, Massage Envy, Working Food, Flow Space, Make!tHappen WEHBE Marketing, NHDC Housing, City of Gainesville Bicycle/Pedestrian Program- your raffle prizes were an amazing contribution and were greatly appreciated from our attendees and vendors alike.
Our presenters were also an amazing contribution to the balance of overall wellness for our event. Thank you Humming Bird with Flow Space, James Jones with Be Fit Be Able, Danielle Liso with C.A.R.D., and Brianna Chesteen with H.E.A.T. You are doing the great work that makes our community a better place!
Thanks everyone again, and we look forward to better days ahead, more community collaborations and access for ALL to support the journey of wellness for a lifetime of living independently!