Vaccine Clinic, Provided by CVS and UF Health Street!

In our ongoing effort to address health inequities within the disability community, the CIL recently hosted a free, accessible vaccine clinic. At the event, we were able to offer both COVID-19 and flu vaccines, provided by CVS and UF Health Street. In addition to the vaccines, a few community partners such as Florida Legal Services and Disability Rights Florida set up resource tables to provide valuable information and support to help individuals on their journeys to independence. We are deeply grateful for the continued support you provide to the CIL. Your contributions were essential to the success of this event, and the clinic was a testament to our commitment to ensuring that individuals with disabilities have equal access to healthcare, while also promoting the health and safety of our entire community. Thank you for helping us make a meaningful impact!

ID: image descriptions provided in the Alt Text for each image respectively

This image shows the vaccine clinic held indoors at the CIL Gainesville office, with tables and representatives from different organizations set up around the room. On the left, a table is labeled "Florida Legal Services, Inc." with two people sitting and working. To the right, a table with materials is labeled "Disability Rights Florida." Several individuals are standing or sitting in different areas of the room, engaging in conversations or activities. In the background, two healthcare professionals in blue scrubs are preparing or assisting at another station. The room has a clean and bright interior, with a light-colored ceiling and wooden floors. A purple banner across the bottom reads "Vaccine Clinic," accompanied by the Center for Independent Living (CIL) logo.