A new Disability and Health website has been launched that features four narrated slideshows developed with women from Florida who are living with physical disabilities. These slideshows (called Photo-maps), show and tell about the helpful and challenging things that these women encountered while getting to and from, and during an actual health care appointment (such as: transportation issues, and accessible tables). We are inviting everyone to log on, view the Photo-maps and provide feedback through a brief and easy online evaluation. These Photo-maps should be of interest to anyone who is living with disabilities, providing health care or assistance to persons with disabilities, or interested in disability and access to healthcare. We are offering an optional one credit hour of continuing education for health care providers who complete the evaluation. This project was developed as part of the WITH~USS study; a Komen for the Cure-funded research partnership between the Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida and the University of Florida to better understand the barriers and facilitators to breast health screening for women living with physical disabilities.