Greetings | The Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida welcomes you! If you have any questions about the center or the services we provide, please contact us at 352-378-7474. Our number again, is 3, 5, 2, 3, 7, 8, 7, 4, 7, 4.
Come join us for resources and fall fun as you protect yourself against sickness this holiday season!
In collaboration with Disability Rights Florida, the CIL is hosting an upcoming free, accessible vaccine clinic that will be held at the Center on Friday, November 15th, from 12:00 – 5:00 p.m. CVS will be providing flu and COVID-19 vaccines to those with insurance, and UF Health will be present to provide health screenings and flu vaccines for those who do not have insurance. If you or someone you know intends to utilize MV transportation to attend the clinic, please alert us so that we can coordinate covering the cost. Additionally, for those who participate, Disability Rights Florida is providing an amazing giveaway of emergency backpacks! Contents include: Food Bars, Emergency Water Pouches, Water Purification Tablets, Emergency Whistle/Compass, Emergency Stove, Fuel Tablets, Canteen Cup, Dust Face Cover, 36 Piece First Aid Kit, Waterproof Match Kit, Playing Cards, Battery-Free Flashlight, Tissue Pack, Emergency Blanket, Rain Poncho and Antiseptic Wipes. We look forward to seeing you there!
ID: Image descriptions for both the Vaccine Flyer and Vaccine Backpack Flyer are embedded into the ALT Text for both images, respectively.
An autumn themed beige flyer with fall leaves scattered around displays pertinent information about a vaccine clinic. The logo for the Aging & Disability Vaccination Collaborative is displayed on the top left, followed by the CILNCF logo in the center and the Disability Rights Florida logo in the top right. Bold letters stating, “ACCESSIBLE VACCINE CLINIC” are placed in the center of the flyer below the logos. Under this title, there is a banner that states, “Covid-19 and Flu Shots, November 15th, 2024, 12:00 – 5:00 p.m.” Under this, on the left side of the flyer there is a location pin logo with the words, “Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida, 222 SW 36th Terrace, Gaiensville, FL, 32607” next to it. Below this, text stating, “Options available for those with and without insurance. Please bring your insurance card if you have one!” is placed. On the right hand side of the flyer there is a text box bordered by fall leaves outlining the words, “Join us for resources and fall fun as you protect yourself against sickness this holiday season.” Below this, there is a colorful syringe and bottle holding vaccination content within it. The American Sign Language Interpreter logo is displayed on the bottom left with the words, “ASL interpreters provided. Connect with us for any other accommodations. Phone: (352) 378 – 7474, VP: (352) 240 – 3079, Email: At the base of the flyer, the text, “This publication is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)) through USAging as part of a financial assistance award to USAging totaling $74,999,835 with 100 percent funding by ACL/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official view of, nor an endorsement, by USAging, ACL/ HHS.” is placed. Flyer has a white background with the Disability Rights Florida logo at the top. Below the logo, is brick red lettering that reads, “Backpack Giveaway”. Below that to the right, there is a picture of the red and grey backpack, with black straps and the Disability Rights Florida logo. To the left of the backpack graphic, it reads, “What’s Inside?” and below that is a list of contents, mentioned in the caption above.