Greetings | The Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida welcomes you! If you have any questions about the center or the services we provide, please contact us at 352-378-7474. Our number again, is 3, 5, 2, 3, 7, 8, 7, 4, 7, 4.
The Independence and the FAAST program presents a FREE training! The presentation will cover the use of The Independence bed technology to help with mobility and getting out of bed when that is difficult.
Date: Wednesday, April 5th, 2023 at 11:00 AM
Location: Discount Daze 1211 SW 17th Street Ocala, FL 34471
For more information please contact Brandon Palermo (Ocala office): or call at (352) 368-3788, or please contact Claudia Avendano (Gainesville Office): or call at (352)378-7474.
ID: The image includes all the information provided above. The CIL logo is shown at the top left and the Discount DAZE Furniture logo is at the top right of the image. The background is white and has 5 large blob shapes that each takes up a quarter of the image. Each blob is a different color, top left is turquoise, top right is light blue, the top center is dark blue, bottom left is green and the bottom right is purple. There is an image of a light purple moon with three stars under the Discount DAZE Furniture logo and a bed image under the CIL logo. The FAAST logo is shown at the bottom left and The Independence logo is at the bottom right.