Show the CIL a little love and join us for our weekly online classes! Youth Leadership & Social Group will be on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00PM and Independence Hacks will be on Wednesdays from 10:30AM – 12:00PM. The meeting sign-in will be the same for each class and is 352-378-7474 and the password is cilclass. Please share this with anyone who may wish to participate. We hope to see you there!
Image description: Pink background with CIL logo in the top left corner. Red hearts are sprinkled throughout the image. The text in the graphic includes everything in the caption above. “February Online Calendar” is written in big lettering across the top of the image and “Tuesday” and “Wednesday” are written underneath it inside of a red heart. The class titles and meeting times are next to their corresponding weekday and the meeting ID and password is written at the bottom of the image.