Today marks 3 WEEKS before The Amazing Give! Read below to learn about the impact of the CIL’s Wheelchair Ramp Building Program in the Gainesville community.
A couple of years ago, Ms. Hill was unable to leave her home as she had no ramp access for her wheelchair. Ms. Hill struggles with balance issues and needs a wheelchair to remain mobile. Oftentimes, the unsafe instability of her back porch would cause her to fall and hurt herself, accumulating bruises and scrapes all over her body.
The CIL Wheelchair Ramp Building Program was able to provide a ramp for Ms. Hill, along with many other residents in the area. The convenience of having a wheelchair ramp in her backyard helped her feel less isolated and more independent in her own home, facts that bring the CIL a lot of pride. We want to continue being able to provide our community with safer ways in and out of their homes and with your help during The Amazing Give, we can fund several wheelchair ramp builds.
Check out our Amazing Give donation page to see where your donation dollars will go, by clicking on the link below!
Image Description: Light pink background with the CIL logo in the bottom left corner. In the top left corner is an image of the entrance to Ms. Hill’s home, with text reading “Before” and a hot pink arrow pointing to the picture. In the bottom right corner is a larger image of the entrance to Ms. Hill’s home, this time with a wheelchair ramp, with text reading “After” and a hot pink arrow pointing to the picture.