May was Stroke Awareness Month, and we had an incredible visit from the MSTU (Mobile Stroke Treatment Unit) towards the end of the month! We toured the truck and gained valuable insights into its life-saving operations.
Our consumers found the MSTU visit fascinating, learning about the unit’s crucial role in stroke care. Here are two interesting facts we discovered:
1️⃣ The MSTU has only been in operation for a few months but has already responded to over 700 calls! More than 300 of these calls required hospital transport. That’s a tremendous impact in a short time!
2️⃣ While the MSTU can operate within a 30-mile radius of Alachua County, they collaborate with neighboring counties. Patients from these areas can be brought to the border, where the MSTU can take over, starting life-saving procedures on the spot. This often involves meeting at convenient locations like gas stations, grocery stores, or fast-food parking lots!
We are incredibly grateful for the MSTU’s dedication and the vital service they provide to our community.

ID: There are two photos. Photo 1 is a group picture of ILS consumers in front of the MSTU truck. On the bottom of the photo is a purple gradient in wave shape with “Mobile Stroke Treatment Unit” written in white. Photo 2 is Terri Poucher, CIL ILS Coordinator, standing on the step of the open door to the MSTU truck, posing for pictures. On the bottom of the photo is a purple gradient in wave shape with “Stroke Awareness” written in white. Both photos have the CILNCF logo displayed at the bottom right corner.