The CILNCF recently received some heartbreaking news. Sadly, our sweet Delma lost her long-fought battle with Sickle Cell last week. She was part of our CIL family for just over 3 years. Delma had a kind and caring heart, and provided excellent service to our consumers, our ADA Paratransit Program and the CIL as a whole.
Delma was incredibly dedicated and always went above and beyond to help in any way she could for our consumers in need. While working from home, especially during the height of the pandemic, Delma often called consumers while lying down due to severe fatigue, or even worked on her laptop at lengthy doctor’s appointments.
Delma was an integral part of our CIL family, and it will never be the same without her. All of us here at the CIL are sending many thoughts and prayers to her family during this very difficult time. It is hard for us to imagine that we will not see her wonderful smile and demeanor, or hear her soft-spoken voice and caring words. We will miss you dearly Delma!
Image is a picture of Delma sitting in her office behind her desk, wearing a grey, short-sleeved top. She is holding up a massage certificate that she won in a raffle on our Staff Appreciation Day during the summer of 2019.