This hot summer is still going strong, so get out of the blazing heat and join us online for our weekly classes in August! In-person classes will hopefully resume sometime this month, and we will keep you informed as updates occur. In the meantime, online classes remain the same, with our Youth Leadership and Social Group on Tuesdays from 3:30-5pm and our Independence Hacks (ILS) on Wednesdays from 10:30 – 12pm. For every class, the meeting username is 352-378-7474 and the password is cilclass!
Please be sure to share this with anyone who would like to participate, and contact Terri Poucher at 352-378-7474 or with any questions!
Image Description: Entire background is white beach sand, with the CIL Logo in the top center. Below the CIL logo is a blue heading that reads, “August Online Calendar”. Underneath to the left are yellow suns and rays with “Tuesdays” and “Wednesdays” inside. The class titles and meeting times are to the right, next to their corresponding weekday, and the meeting ID and password is written at the bottom of the image.