Greetings | The Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida welcomes you! If you have any questions about the center or the services we provide, please contact us at 352-378-7474. Our number again, is 3, 5, 2, 3, 7, 8, 7, 4, 7, 4.
Today, we wanted to use today to show our love and support for our consumers, advocates, supporters, and donors. Your belief in our mission drives us forward, and allows us to empower individuals with disabilities!
May your Valentine’s Day be filled with love and cherished moments
ID: Graphic has a background comprised of an assortment of hearts in varying shades of red. The right side of the graphic has 4 large, drawn red hearts displayed down the side, each one a little smaller than the one above it. In the center is a blue overlay with a message from the CIL’s Executive Director, Tony Delisle saying, “I am constantly struck by the kind, loving, and generous hearts the CILNCF staff have when working so hard to serve our community. In the spirit of Love on this Valentine’s Day, I am sending well wishes to our wonderful consumers, amazing staff, dedicated volunteers, generous donors, and supportive community advocates and partners. It is my sincere hope that the force of love our staff bring into our community can extend out into the entire world. Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone.” The CILNCF logo is displayed on the bottom left corner.