Our CIL Team is so excited to be participating in this giving campaign for the 3rd year in a row! All funds raised through Give4Marion will benefit our Marion County consumers. Join us from Tuesday, September 20th at 10am to Wednesday, September 21st at 7pm! Please visit give4marion.org for more information about how you can make a difference! More information to come!
Image Description: Give4Marion graphic with white background and three circle shapes. The first circle is large sized with a green border at the top left, with an image inside of a person collecting a plastic water bottle in a forest. The second circle is smaller sized and to the right of the large circle with a blue border and image inside of a person’s face looking at a sunset and forming their hands into a heart shape. The third circle is medium sized, to the bottom left with a red border and image inside of two people carrying a container with gardening supplies. The Give4Marion logo is towards the bottom right and below that is green lettering that reads, Join Our Day of Giving. Below that is smaller blue lettering that reads, Support us and give back September 20-21, 2022, 10am – 7pm. At the very bottom there is white lettering that reads, For more information go to Give4Marion.org, inside a dark blue background that runs from left to right.