Thanks to your generosity, we’ve raised $785 so far – that’s 52% of our $1,500 goal for Give4Marion! We are so grateful for your support in helping us make a difference for our Marion County consumers and programs.

But we’re not done yet! We still need your help to reach the finish line, and today you have another amazing opportunity to double your impact.
Here’s how:
Today, September 18th at 12pm, The David Midgett Foundation is offering a $10,000 match!All donations up to $100 will be matched dollar for dollar until the match runs out. This means your $50 donation becomes $100, and your $100 donation becomes $200 – all in support of vital programs like our Five-Core Services, Employment Program, Deaf Services, High School High Tech, and Emergency Preparedness Program.
To make the most of this Matching Moment, please consider donating at 12pm today:
We’re so close to reaching our goal, and with your continued support, we know we can get there. Let’s finish strong together!