Florida Sea Grant and the University of Florida IFAS Extension services are hosting a “DIVING WITH DISABILITIES” event
WHEN: Saturday August 5th from 9 AM – 5 PM
WHERE: Florida Pool
University of Florida
224 Fletcher Drive
Gainesville, FL 32608
The goal is to offer FREE try scuba experience for participants. It has been well documented the positive and therapeutic impact that scuba diving has in people with disabilities, including wounded veterans and with PTSD. The event is led by our Handicapped Scuba Association (HSA) instructor and marine extension agent Victor Blanco. Each participant has a one-hour slot. All you need is to bring your swim suit!
Interested participants may register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdoM98v0bV90_2agaHhTHPQx08TNBQvHUvJai5_gvXaEr_Jdw/viewform. If you would like more information, please reach out to Victor Blanco at 850-838-3508.

ID: Graphic shows a picture of a scuba diver underwater, with the bright light from the sun shining from above the water. The background behind the photo is a teal color with abstract squiggly lines throughout. The graphic includes information about the event shared above. An outline of a wheelchair accessible icon is displayed on the bottom right.