This past year has been a very trying time for many people in our community. With the new vaccine that has come out, we see the possibility of life going back to normal. Florida has established a vaccine registration website at
The following groups of individuals are elligible for the vaccine:
· Healthcare Personnel with Direct Patient Contact
· Individuals Deemed Extremely Vulnerable to COVID-19
· Individuals 65 Years of Age and Older
· Long-Term Care Facility Residents & Staff
Visiting the site below allows you to register to virtually “get in line” for a vaccine in your county so you can be contacted via phone, text or email when new appointments become available.
The first two categories of eligibility should be able to cover individuals with disabilities of all ages and personal care workers. The registration process does not request any proof of disability, so please make sure to check out the link and register for your vaccine.
Additionally, in coordination with the White House COVID-19 Response Plan, FEMA is working with federal, state, local, tribal and territorial partners to deliver vaccinations across the country. As part of these efforts, FEMA has made vaccine support information available on The webpage includes information on:
· How you can get vaccinated.
· FEMA support for vaccine distribution.
· The accelerated state vaccine efforts.
· Identifying and filling resource gaps.
· Supporting and establishing vaccine sites.
While the country is still in the initial phases of the vaccine distribution plan, we encourage everyone to follow the Center for Disease Control’s recommendations on staying safe during the pandemic.