FAAST Coping with Caregiving Series!

Last month, the CIL and FAAST Program partnered with Elder Options to provide the third session of the Coping with Caregiving series. This is a free course (four sessions total) for caregivers and clients who care for individuals with dementia, chronic illness, or any other disability, to learn how to de-stress and better manage daily life.

The topic for the third session was, “Coping with Frustration” and Teri Saunders Lonon with Elder Options did a great job providing information and strategies for caregivers who face various challenges and frustrations throughout the day, such as breathing techniques.

ID: Two pictures within the image. The picture on the top is Claudia taking a selfie of two participants and Teri, the guest speaker, in the background. The bottom picture is Teri to the left, and two participants to the right.  In the middle is a border separating the two pictures with different colors from left to right: blue, turquoise, fuchsia and green.