The CIL hosted the 4th Annual Marion County Disaster Preparedness Expo on Wednesday May 26th. The theme for this year was about addressing Mental Health needs during COVID and it was a great success! The event featured interactive presentations from experts and various community based organizations and public agencies offering resources to participants. The COVID vaccine was also available to those who wanted it in a fully accessible environment. This year’s event marked the first time many people participated in a community event since the start of COVID and it was clearly uplifting for all those who attended.
Special thanks to all of our generous sponsors, presenters and vendors, who helped make this event possible for people with disabilities in our community. We are truly grateful for your support!
Vendors: APD, Heart of Florida, Ocala Fire, Marion County Sheriff’s Department EOC, Shine/Elder Options, CARD from Gainesville, Ocala Electric, Supervisor of Elections, Champion for Champions, Florida License Bureau and Ocala Police Department.
Presenters: Ocala Police, Chief Balken; Marion County Sheriff’s Department EOC, Robert Sullivan; Supervisor of Elections, Wesley Wilcox; APD, Dr. Kristin Korinko; Department of Health in Marion County, Jessie Driggers.
Many thanks to Kevin Towles and the entire CIL Expo planning committee for all of their hard work devoted towards hosting an event, with all the safe guards needed to keep everyone healthy!
(Image Description: The CIL logo is at the top center and logos of Expo sponsors are to the left, right and at the bottom: Pasta Faire, Herr’s, Developmental Service Trainers, Supervisor of Elections, Ocala Recreation & Parks and APD. Text in the middle reads, “The CIL would like to send a big thank you to our sponsors! For the 2021 Disaster Preparedness Expo.” An image of hands are below the text, surrounding a floating heart.)