September is Deaf Awareness Month, and to help us celebrate, we are having 3 Independent Living Skills (ILS) classes. These will be taught by long time staff member Colleen Metcalf, who is Deaf and can share her unique perspective with everyone.
She will teach the following ILS groups on zoom, on the following dates from 10:30am to 12:00pm:
Wednesday, September 7 – Deaf History
Wednesday, September 14 – Deaf Culture
Wednesday, September 21 – Learning Simple Signs
To join the zoom meeting, please click on the link below:
If the link above does not take you to the meeting – go to, at the top on the right side, click on the button that says join a meeting, and enter the information below:
Meeting ID: 352 378 7474
Passcode: cilclass OR 425521
We hope to see you there!
ID: Picture of Colleen at the Ocala office, smiling and standing in front of a TV monitor hanging on the wall. She is pointing to the four images on the screen. Two of them show wording, “Deaf Culture” and “ASL”, with two showing images of signing.