Happy 32nd Anniversary of the ADA!!
In celebration of the 32nd Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), our awesome Employment Director, Lauren Singleton, represented the CIL today at a local event! The CIL was honored to have her serve as a panelist at the Alachua County, Florida and City of Gainesville Office of Equity and Inclusion’s Disability Awareness Virtual Webinar.
Lauren spoke about CIL services with a focus on Employment Services the CIL offers including Resume Building, Work Readiness Courses, Interview Practice, Work Ethics and Hygiene Counseling, Job Coaching, and Retention Services; as well as opportunities for our consumers in our programs, the challenges faced in employment, and the resources they develop and utilize to help our consumers maintain their employment.
Thank you so much Lauren for representing the CIL at this annual ADA event, and for all that you do to support people with disabilities in our community!
If anyone is interested in learning more about our Employment Services, please contact Lauren in our Ocala office at 352-368-3788 or lsingleton@cilncf.org.
Image is a picture of Lauren standing to the right of the CIL sign at the Ocala office. She is smiling and wearing black pants with a white top that is patterned with black hexagon shapes.