The Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida (CILNCF) first opened its doors to the community in 1981 and today, has a 41 year history of providing quality services to people with disabilities living in Gainesville and the North Central Florida region. The CILNCF is a uniquely qualified resource center, as it is consumer controlled and driven. We remain consumer-controlled by maintaining a staff and board of director majority of at least 51% people with disabilities. This personnel majority brings a wealth of first-hand experience living with disability, which influences every aspect of the organization. The resulting program development and direct service delivery responds to local needs, for which staff and board members themselves understand and have experienced first-hand.
Executive Committee:
Bea Awoniyi, President
Jonathan Pruden, Vice President
Dug Jones, Treasurer
Jim Gorske, Secretary
Board Directors at Large:
Olga Sinnreich
Kimberly Smith
Aaron Hall
Hannah McArdle
Rennie Mills
Meetings of the Board are open to the public. Meeting dates for 2024 will occur on February 22nd, April 25th, September 26th and November 21st at: CILNCF, 222 SW 36th Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32607 at 4pm. For reasonable accommodation requests, please call 352-378-7474 at least 3 days prior to meeting.