High School High Tech students casting visions for the new year at recent workshop!

Our High School High Tech (HSHT) students are casting visions for the new year! At a recent workshop, HSHT students created vision boards of their future employment goals and hobbies using magazines. It was a fun time and Trey says he hopes to be a scientist or a computer technology specialist after graduation.

Image is a picture of Trey holding up his completed vision board.

FACIL still accepting applications for the JPPAS program!

The Florida Association of Centers for Independent Living (FACIL) is accepting applications for the James Patrick Memorial Work Incentive Personal Assistant Services program (JPPAS). The JPPAS program provides monthly stipends to qualified Floridians with disabilities who require personal assistance services for daily living. 

Thomas Clemons has been using JPPAS for the last 5 years. Read Thomas’s comment below about how JPPAS has helped him become more involved in his community! 

“I live with quadriplegia resulting from a spinal cord injury. I require a high level of assistance with many daily activities including transferring in and out of the bed/wheelchair, dressing and meal preparation. There was a time that I was unable to return to work full time for fear of losing benefits tied to my level of income. The cost of maintaining personal care assistance without those benefits was impossible to maintain.

I have received PCA cost reimbursement through the JPPAS program over the last 5 years. The program has provided me with an opportunity to not only reduce my out-of-pocket expenses for necessary care, it has also given me the control in choosing my caregivers. Without the JPPAS program, I would not be able to successfully work full time and continue to contribute to my community. The program has leveled the playing field for me, helping to reduce the costs of maintaining the necessary assistance I need and maintaining a quality of consistent care.”

Image description: Image is a picture from the chest to the top of the head of Thomas Clemons in his home. 

CIL attends Gainesville Fire Rescue’s third annual Health Fair

Many thanks to Gainesville Fire Rescue’s Community Paramedicine Program for the opportunity to attend their third annual Community Health Fair! Our Community Specialist, Sada Ahmed, was able to represent the CIL, and it was a beautiful day to spread the word about our services.

Also, we were thrilled to learn that 15 vaccinations and 35 tests for COVID-19 were administered at the event! Until next year!

Image description: First image is a picture of Sada posing in front of the CIL table that includes brochures and information, with a huge field in the background and a blue sky.

Dr. Tony Delisle shares his hopes for the new year

Our Executive Director, Tony Delisle, wanted to share a message with you about his hopes for the new year, as we continue to navigate through the pandemic. Please read below!

It is my wish everyone has a healthy and happy New Year. I am hopeful we will have a year of progress and unity. I also recognize as a society we continue to face challenging circumstances.

Adaptability, resiliency, and perseverance are some of the important virtues people with disabilities develop throughout their lifetime to live independently. All of us will need to hold these virtuous close as we welcome and navigate the year 2022; a year the world is expected to continue living in the midst of a pandemic, see increasing inflation, and more social unrest. I believe all of us can triumph over these adversities if we learn the virtues people with disabilities embrace in their daily lives. In doing so we will adapt and accommodate to the obstacles before us; enduring through them with unstoppable resilience; overcoming division through the unity of our commonalities; and persevering as we always have throughout the history of humanity. People with disabilities posses all the world needs and it is up to us to lead the way by showing who we are as a united and resilient community. The CILNCF is committed more than ever in supporting those we serve in continuing to be the change the world needs.

Image is a picture of Tony posing with his arms up behind the Center for Independent Living sign posted to the side of 36th Terrace, near the Gainesville office.

ION Gainesville Hosting Virtual Bingo Nights this spring!

Join us for a night of fun, prizes, and friends!

ION Gainesville is back for 2022, and they will be hosting their monthly virtual bingo nights every third Friday through May!

The first bingo night of the year will be THIS Friday, January 21st, from 7 pm to 8:15 pm. All young adults with disabilities between the ages of 18 and 30-ish are welcome! Check out the flyer for more information and we hope to see you there!

Image Description: Light pink background featuring the ION Gainesville logo in the middle of a tick tac toe pattern that looks like a bingo card, with Bingo images and stickers surrounding the logo that say the word bingo, the date and time of the upcoming bingo night in the top left box that reads, “January 21st, 7pm to 8:15pm”, and the dates of the upcoming bingo nights in the top right box that reads, “February 18th, March 18th, April 18th and May 20th”. The top of the flyer reads, “Bingo Friday Night Fun” in large pink bubble letters and below it in smaller, dark pink print it says, “Join us for Virtual Bingo, prizes, and friends for young adults with disabilities ages 18-30”. On the bottom of the flyer, the text reads, “If you want to join the bingo nights, email or call Trish Thoburn at: iongainesville@gmail.com; (352) 339 – 6278”.

CIL Celebrates MLK Day

All of us here at the CIL would like to celebrate and honor Martin Luther King Jr. today and his fearless fight for justice through peaceful protests. Remember that your voice is powerful. Remember that you can make a difference. Spread love today, and every day.

Image Description: Solid light green background featuring the CIL logo at the bottom right corner, a graphic of MLK in the bottom left corner, and an MLK quote in the middle of the image that reads, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Check out what our HSHT coordinator has been up to!

We would like to highlight some happenings in our High School High Tech (HSHT) program. Our HSHT coordinator Drew has been very busy recruiting students to join the program this fall. This past week, Drew provided students with information about HSHT at Newberry High School. We look forward to new students joining the program and benefitting from all that HSHT has to offer! If you or anyone you know is interested in joining HSHT, please be sure to reach out to us!

McIntosh 1890s Festival was a success!

The McIntosh 1890s Festival last Saturday was a success despite the cold and rain! About 1500 people attended this event. We would like to give a special shoutout to CIL team members Kevin, Sada, and Nelda, for participating in this event and sharing information about the CIL!

Apply for the JPPAS Program!

The Florida Association of Centers for Independent Living (FACIL) is accepting applications for the James Patrick Memorial Work Incentive Personal Assistant Services program (JPPAS). The JPPAS program provides monthly stipends to qualified Floridians with disabilities who require personal assistance services for daily living.

Dug Jones has been utilizing JPPAS for a few years. Read Dug’s comment below about his experience utilizing JPPAS!

“JPPAS is an amazing program that makes it more possible for talented professionals with disabilities to make strong contributions in the workplace. It creates a win-win-win for the employer, the person with a disability, and society.”

Check out the links to learn more about the program and the application!

https://www.floridacils.org/JPPASOverview.html http://www.floridacils.org/pca-services-program