If you are employed, but depend on personal care assistance to help with your daily activities, check out the details below, you may be eligible for the James Patrick Memorial Work Incentive Personal Assistant Services (JP-PAS) Program!
The JP-PAS Program provides monthly stipends to qualified Floridians with disabilities who are employed and require personal assistance services to attain and maintain competitive and integrated employment.
To be eligible you must:
- Be a Florida resident
- Be employed
- Earn an income that is at least 100% of the Federal Poverty Level and no more than $150,000 per year.
- Not receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits.
- Not receive Medicaid Home and Community-based Services while they are enrolled in the program.
The Florida Association of Centers for Independent Living (FACIL) is always accepting applications for JP-PAS, so if you or anyone you know would benefit from this amazing program or if you would like to learn more, please visit http://www.floridacils.org/pca-services-program.
Image description: Beach background with blue sky and fading sunset. The top of the image reads: “The JP-PAS Personal Attendant Services and Employment Assistance Program” in large dark blue lettering. In the bottom center of the graphic, there is a picture of a person smiling at the camera in a wheelchair, working at a computer on a table in an office with two co-workers to his right. The FACIL logo is in the center of the graphic on the left side and the JP-PAS logo is in the center on the right side. In between them is the program’s website, written in the above paragraph.